Our team
we work in English, French and Turkish
Caroline MARECHAL, Founder - Interventions in French and English
Education / Certifications
Diploma in Mediation, Institute of Training in Mediation and Negotiation, Catholic University of Paris (2013)
MA in HR Management, IAE Paris - Sorbonne Business School (1999)
MA in Political Sciences (International Relations & Strategy), Sorbonne University (1988)
BA in Political Sciences, Sorbonne University (1986)
BA in History and Art History, Sorbonne University (1986)
Talent assessment tools: Caroline is a qualified test user in the most well-known personality and ability occupational tests and questionnaires (more than 100) such as Watson-Glaser III, DAT, Raven's III, Strong, MBTI, Wave, Sosie, EQ-i 2.0, EQ360, CQ...
Approaches: Narrative Therapy, Solution-focused Therapy, Transactional Analysis
Coaching: Mediat Coaching: EMCC Senior Practitioner accredited training program (2009-2010)
                      BDR-JBS coaching: Executive & Team Coach (1999-2000)
Professional affiliations
EMCC (European Mentoring and Coaching Council)
ISEI (International Sociaty for Emotional Intelligence)
MBBI (Mediators Beyond Borders International)
SIETAR (Society for Intercultural Education Training & Research)
As a coach, mediator, trainer and consultant, my specialties are:
Talent (incl. Gifted / HiPo): potential assessment, job interviews, talent development, talent strategy & management
Career development: guidance, employability and adaptation, transitions, career crisis
Pedagological engineering: design and implementation of individual and collective skills development custom-made e-solutions (coaching, e-training, webinars...)
21st century skills: assessment, development and enhancement of the key 21st century skills
Intercultural: coaching, mediation, training, Cultural Intelligence development (CQ Certified), cross cultural adaptation (expatriates, repatriates and multicultural teams)
Wellness in the workplace: dealing with conflict, workplace mediation, burnout prevention (former head of the Stop Burn Out association's Paris office- auditioned by the French Assembly information mission on the Burnout Syndrome- report published in February 2017)
Supervision & training for HR professionals, mediators & coaching practitioners
Executive & Team coaching
My vision
Talentizzy was born out of the belief that talent is build up and the observation that few people are able to accurately know their potential. As a matter of fact, they struggle to reach their potential and position themselves adequately in their professional environment. Moreover, organisations tend to confuse performance with potential and often miss out on possible talents because of unidentified nor unlocked potentials.
My ambition is twofold:
to offer individuals a space dedicated to talent growth. Talentizzy coaches individuals on their raod from potential to talent. It starts with the evaluation of the different facets of their professional potential, so that they can build and strengthen their talent, gain recognition and take action in the course of their professional life.
to enable organisations, through tailor-made support, to identify and develop individual and collective potential and to retain the talents of today and tomorrow.
Talentizzy brings together seasoned professionals who build flexible solutions for assessing potential and developing talent as close as possible to the needs of their clients.
Coming from diverse backgrounds, we have in common a taste for the development of people, a long practice of coaching (from 10 to 30 years), a curiosity that has led us to train in numerous tools and methods of intervention and finally a deep respect for our clients that has led us to adopt a collaborative way of working with them.
To avoid judgement bias (indeed, "if your only tool is a hammer, then every problem looks like a nail"), we draw on a very wide range of internationally recognised psychometric tools and use a variety of techniques and coaching approaches. And because we believe that potential is not fixed and that talent is built up, our philosophy is to focus on people's development possibilities.
Places I've called home
Paris, France
Seoul, South Korea
La Reunion Island, overseas France
Dublin, Ireland
Fabrice MICHEAU, Expert in supporting gifted / highly gifted individuals - Interventions in French
Education / Certifications
MA in Political Sciences, SciencesPo Bordeaux (1984)
Bachelor in Business Administration , Angoulême (1982)
Talent assessment tools: MBTI and GOLDEN
Approaches: Narrative Therapy, Solution-focused Therapy
Coaching: Mediat-Coaching: Individual and team coaching
Société Française de Coaching: Full Member since 2002
EMCC: Senior Practictioner (Full Member since 2008)
Executive and team coaching
Coaching of organisational systems (complex issues, human risks, sensitive situations, support for change and uncertainty)
Coaching for crisis and changing organisations
Supervision of internal and external coaches
Multicultural and expatriate coaching
Trainer in individual coaching and group / team coaching
Designer of coaching systems
Supervision and analysis of professional practices
Expert in the support of High Potentials, atypical profiles, gifted adults
Expert in solution-oriented management and collaborative practices
My approach
A former manager in groups, I have been working with organisations and complex profiles (managers and executives) for 35 years.
In addition, since the 2000s, I am specialised in accompanying gifted people, High Potentials and Very High Potentials.
I have several jobs at the same time, which I combine according to the needs: coach, consultant, supervisor, mediator, teacher, researcher, pedagogue, therapist, expert in the support of gifted people.
I am also an associate professor in several masters programmes: Kedge Business School France, BEM Business School Dakar, Universities of Bordeaux and Antilles-Guyane.
Over the last 35 years, I have carried out more than 900 missions for more than 600 private and public organisations.
Places I've called home
Bordeaux, France
Frequent missions: French Guyane, Senegal, Togo, Tunisia, Hong Kong, Luxemburg
Founder and manager of the Aquitaine Coaching Network ("Réseau Aquitaine Coaching"), the first coaching organisation in France (1994), with nearly 150 members in the South West of France)
Founder and director of HPI Talents, the first French-language portal for gifted people)
Founder and director of AFM Développement, a consulting firm
Former co-teaching director and associate of Médiat Coaching, a coaching school; its coaching training programme benefits from the highest certification of the EMCC
Gives lectures internationally (Europe, Africa, Asia) and trains professionals to accompany the gifted
Laurence CHALMET-HUOT, Professional coaching, Communication Consulting - Interventions in French and English
Education / Certifications
Master in Economics & Finance, Sciences-Po Paris (1989)
Coaching: Mediat Coaching: EMCC Senior Practictioner accredited training program (2010-2011)
Approaches: narrative-based practices, systemic overall approach, gestalt-therapy, professional co-development groups
Professional affiliations
EMCC (European Mentoring and Coaching Council)
APSE (Association des Professionnels en Sociologie de l'Entreprise)
Individual Coaching:
Career guidance: clarify ambitions, medium to long-term objectives, set up and implement action plan in order to change job, reorientate or boost career
Management issues: conflict resolution, managerial posture, leadership, communication skills, emotional intelligence, assistance in recruiting key people
Professional and private life interconnection: identification of key values, priorities and (im)balances, support for a reflection on ethics, commitment, beliefs
Teams & Organizations Coaching: enhance motivation and cohesion, (re)build confidence in turbulent times, identify and facilitate best practices, implement co-construction and collective intelligence practices, improve overall performance
Public Speaking, Media Training & Communication Consulting: focused on corporate & financial communication issues in the context of strategic announcements, disclosure of company’s results, disruptions in market perception, shareholders and investors relation, analysts meetings, etc.
Supervision & training: for coaching practitioners, volunteers in associative sector, medical staff
My approach
I combine over 20 years corporate experience in the finance and communication areas, and a long-lasting personal work in the field of therapy, including psychoanalysis, psychotherapy, and gestalt-therapy.
I am convinced that there is a high degree of intrication and thus interaction between our personal and professional lifes. A a result, I do have a systemic and psycho-analytical approach of the situations, while keeping a pragmatic view of my clients’ issues and their need for action.
Thus, when it's relevant in light with the problem, I do explore with my clients the personal, psycho-emotional dimensions of their life, and more generally I encourage them to get to a deeper knowledge of their own psychic functioning.
Places I've called home
Paris, France
Lisbon, Portugal
Over the last 10 years, I have been working as a coach for:
- middle to large corporations willing to enhance their executives’ professional skills or to overcome complex situations;
- a large number of private clients, who at some point decided to question their life, either because of the loss of their job, a mid-life crisis, a post burn-out period, or any kind of personal and or professional breakdown, or because they want to clarify their ambitions, accelerate their career path.
I have also been involved since 2011 in the French association Force Femmes, that helps unemployed women over 45 years to find a job or start their business. Since 2016, I lead a seminar for volunteers, to bring them methodological tools and share my experience as a coach.
As a trainer and consultant in the field of public speaking, I am used to train different kind of people in different situations, such as:
- executives facing challenging, high-stakes circumstances (i.e. strategic presentations to bankers, investors, shareholders, board meetings, etc);
- students preparing oral exams, recruitment interviews;
- or any person or group of persons facing a situation where he/she will expose oneself through public speaking.
The context may be a one-to-one meeting, a small to medium-size audience (10 to 50 people) or a speech on stage in front of a large audience (100 people or more), with or without interaction with the public.
Jalé POUSSARD, PhD, University Professor, Psychologist & logotherapist - Interventions in Turkish and French
Education / Certifications
University curriculum
Master, Clinical and Pathological Psychology, University of Paris 8, France (2003)
PhD, Behavioural Sciences, Istanbul University; thesis: "Alienation at work"(1993)
Master of Science, Behavioural Sciences, Istanbul University (1990)
Bachelor of Science, Department of Psyschology, Istanbul University (1986)
Additional training
Narrative therapy
Solution-focused approach
Transactional analysis
Cognitive and behavioural therapy
Therapeutic writing
Crisis and sensitive situations: suffering at work, workplace bullying, burn-out, loss of meaning at work
Adaptation to cultural transitions: expatriation, impatriation, etc.
Stress and emotional management
Self-affirmation, self-esteem, self-confidence
Individual coaching
My approach
As a psychologist, I have an ecclectic approach, thanks to the mastery of multiple approaches and techniques which are only means for me, the essential being to understand the person who is unique.
Convinced that times of crisis can be transformed into opportunities for fulfilment, I accompany people affected by suffering at work in order to foster their resilience in the face of trauma so that they can cultivate optimism, hope and find meaning in their professionallife.
Places I've called "home"
Istanbul, Turkey
Paris, France
My professional experience, between Turkey and France, is marked by more than 30 years of teaching and research at university, combined with more than 20 years of work in companies and individuals.
After a PhD thesis on "alienation at work" at Istanbul University, I continued my post-doctoral studies at the Social Psychology Laboratory and the Research Group in Economic Psychology at Paris-Descartes University.
Beyond the research and teaching I was passionate about, I wanted to bring my know-how to people who suffer in the world of work. I therefore turned to therapy and coaching.
During my second master's degree in Clinical and Pathological Psychology at the University of Vincennes- Saint Denis, I worked on professional coaching at the IFAS (French Institute of Anxiety and Stress, Paris).
Trained in several approaches (transactional analysis, psychodrama, behavioural-cognitive therapy, narrative therapy, solution orientation, logotherapy and coaching), I lead trainings on personal development in many banks and companies in Turkey. In addition, I conduct individual and group sessions.
After having taught organisational psychology, consumer behaviour, personal development of managers and economic psychology at Galatasaray University (Istanbul, Turkey) in the department of management for a long time, I retired in 2017. I continue my research in France, at the Institute for Management Research (IRG) of the University of Paris-Est.
I am the author of several books in Turkish on coaching, transactional analysis, assertiveness, bullying and several articles in Turkish and English more specifically on organisational justice and workplace bullying.
See Jalé's publications